Saturday, September 27, 2008

Omaha is Surprisingly Big

OK, this post was written yesterday. And no, we didn't make it to Salt Lake City last night, but this was serendipitous for a reason I will let Bino fill you in on.


Woke up in Indiana and didn't care to hang around. On the way into Chicago, we passed a golf course that had been completely submerged in water, even though nothing else nearby was flooded. The requisite "water trap" and "par 600" jokes were made, then off we went. Chicago looks amazing and bears a more nuanced exploration. This time around, our only stop was the studio of Frank Lloyd Wright, which was located in a beautiful suburb of Chicago called Oak Park. It reminded us a little of Sacramento (Colonial houses, good tree canopy). The studio tour was booked up, so we took some pictures of the exterior and headed off in search of dinner.

Nearby, we found a "stuffed deep dish pizza" joint and had a pretty amazing meal. This thing was literally a pizza PIE. I wish I had taken a picture, but we were all too famished to capture the moment.

From there, we settled in and drove pretty much straight to Omaha, just inside the Nebraska border. Bino already covered the Forbidden Motel 6, so I won't go into that except to say that it was as strange as he described it. We consoled ourselves in the knowledge they would get such a tongue lashing on the blog that there would be no choice but to change their ways. Bino also discovered that our room contained an ashtray with a "No Smoking" sign stuck to the bottom (picture in the gallery).

Thanks for everything so far, Motel 6! You're like a friend that I hate but who did me a solid.

But yeah, Omaha is surprisingly big. It's wide and flat like LA (though maybe with fewer piercings).

Dude Badge update:
1. Stare At Corn For Six Hours - ACQUIRED!
2. Stay In A Different Motel 6 For 5 Consecutive Nights - 60% COMPLETE!
3. Complete All 50 Stunt Jumps - 0% COMPLETE!
4. Beat The Game Using Only The Pistol - ON TRACK!
5. Cross The American Situation - 50% COMPLETE! (Omaha Save Point Reached)

Checked the trailer this morning, and the contents have barely shifted. Per request, we've posted a picture of the fully packed trailer. That's the Dudemaster General standing next to his Sistine Chapel. Also included is a shot of the top front of the trailer, fairly dusted with dead moths, flies and mosquitoes. You're welcome, America.

Today, we drive. If we're feeling particularly punchy, we'll try and make it to Salt Lake City. More likely we'll fall apart somewhere along the Colorado/Wyoming border.

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