Friday, September 26, 2008

Encounters with the American Situation

Last night's Motel 6 had no internet access (something unspecific was broken), so I have no choice but to downgrade them to a Motel 3 3/5. At any rate, this post was written yesterday but could not be posted until this very minute. Please call corporate and voice your complaints.


The day began in Cleveland, Ohio ("Ohio: May all your dreams be covered in Hollandaise!"). After a nice breakfast of dinner around lunchtime, we headed for downtown Cleveland and the Rock and Roll History Museum. We couldn't find a gas station, but were assisted by a Good Samaritan. Actually, let's call him a Chaotic Good Samaritan, since in the process of leading us to the gas station he ran a red light and instructed us to turn left when it was clearly illegal. At the gas station, we discovered that there is now a beverage on sale that combines Bud Light and Clamato. Great, let's take two beverages that shouldn't exist and combine them into a new beverage that should be illegal, and then sell it in giant 24 oz cans. This is like the hippogriff of hangover delivery systems.

The museum was a pretty good time--lots of donated paraphernalia and audiovisual displays. I recommend it if you're already in Cleveland for another reason. Probably the most interesting thing is that they do a lecture series in the evenings, which is entertaining and well done. Unfortunately, we had to get back on the road and so only caught a few minutes of their presentation on Simon and Garfunkel.

The day ended around 4AM in Indiana ("Indiana: If you lived here, you'd be used to the smell by now."). This Motel 6 has pergo floors, so we are feeling well pampered. Dad pointed out that every Motel 6 is located in a part of town that looks the same in every state. At 4AM, this felt incredibly significant and held my attention for like two minutes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beer and clamato is suprisingly good. Don't knock it till you've tried it!