Sunday, September 21, 2008

Let's do this.

Trailer acquired. By the end of this trip, Bino and I both will have earned at least two Dude Badges, namely Driving Cross Country and Pulling A Trailer. Other possible Dude Badges this trip will serve up:

1. Treating A Snakebite
2. Punching A Stranger
3. Taking The Doors Off A Truck The Old Fashioned Way (Hard Reverse Past A Parked Car)
4. Tricks For Gas Money

Packing continues at a frenetic pace. Yesterday, Bino:

1. Had his first New York bagel.
2. Ate his first slice of New York pizza.
3. Tore up his first New York goth club.
4. Kissed his first New York lady.

We got back home around 7AM, feeling like the diem had been carped.

Tonight, we whoop it up again. Tomorrow, we pick up Dad. Day after that, Cleveland or bust. No truck yet, and too many doors. But there's time yet.


eklypse said...

And here I'd been thinking a truck with no doors was some kind of surrealistic monstrosity like a room with no exits or a man with no face. I'm somewhat relived to find that it has more in common with the Dukes of Hazard. Carry on, boys!

Gabe and/or Heidi Helman said...

We fully expect to see a framed case of Dude Badges on your arrival.

Bino said...

I can see the more surrealistic interpretation being applicable as well. A truck we can't leave and are therefore condemned to some eternal road trip. But then we'd just jump in and out of the windows and we're back to Dukes of Hazard again...